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Jak założyć Google Search Console

Google Search Console to jedno z bezpłatnych narzędzi od Google, stworzonych dla administratorów stron internetowych. Przeznaczone jest do monitorowania strony internetowej w wynikach wyszukiwania. Dostarcza informacje na temat stanu witryny, tego jak widoczna jest w indeksie Google oraz problemach, które są w stanie dotknąć analizowaną stronę.


Content marketing is a form of marketing which is focused on creating, publishing, and distributing content for a targeted audience online. It is often used by businesses to attract attention and generate leads, expand their customer base, generate or increase online sales, increase brand awareness and credibility, and engage an online community of users. It is the new normal. It has evolved what customers expect from brands they interact with.

Marketing tricks for small business

Having a consistent brand identity to promote your business will make you look professional and help you attract customers. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon has described a company’s branding as “ what other people say about you when you are not in the room.”

Types of marketing strategies

A marketing strategy helps you to understand your target customers so that you reach more audiences and plan everything on time to avoid unexpected circumstances in the future.